Percentage Calculator

Ready-To-Use Percentage Calculator Excel Template

Ready-to-Percentage Calculator in Excel, OpenOffice Calc, and Google Sheet to find, percent, percentage value, percentage change, and percentage difference.

In all these calculators, insert the value and the percentage you want to find. The “Result” consists of predefined formulas and hence will fetch the result automatically for you.

You can find the percentage value of a given number, a given number is what percentage of a number, and fractional percentages.

Moreover, you can also find the difference in percentage between two values and the increase/decrease in percentage between two values.

Additionally, you can find the actual value of a number that includes a certain amount of percentage already added to it. This template also helps you to convert your decimal values to percent and percent values to decimal.

With the help of this template, you can teach your child or student to learn percentage calculations along with their uses.

Moreover, this template also consists of a printable Percentage Practice Sheet to test the knowledge of your child/student.

Download Percentage Calculator (Excel, OpenOffice Calc & Google Sheet)

Percentage Calculator

We have created a simple and easy Percentage Calculator with predefined formulas to easily calculate the percentage of a number,  percentage value, change in percentage, and the percentage difference.

Just insert the numbers and percentages in the desired calculator and the template automatically calculates the result for you.

Microsoft Excel OpenOffice Calc Google Sheet

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What is the Percentage?

A Percent is the 100th value of a given base. The sign of Percentage is %. In simple terms, it is the relation between two numbers as a fraction of 100.

A percent is a fractional value of the base whereas the value derived is the percentage value. For example, 10% of 100 books is 10 books. Here 10 is the percentage and 10 books are the percentage value. You can express a percent in decimal or fraction. For example, 50% is 0.5 or 1/2 of a given base number.

The work percent originates from Latin work Per Centum which means per 100. Working with percentages instead of fractions is easier because the base is always the 100th value of a given number. Thus, the calculations are relatively straightforward.

Formula To Find Percentage

To find the percentage of a given number about the base number divide the percentage value by base value and multiply it by 100.

(Percentage value / Base Value) X 100

Example Of Percentage

Percentage Value: 100

Base Value: 1000

Applying the above formula:

Percentage = (100/1000) X 100 = 10%

Formula To Find Percentage Value

To find the percentage value of a given number about the base number multiply the base number with the percentage and divide it by 100.

(Base Value X Percentage) / 100

Example of Percentage Value

Base Value: 150

Percentage: 25%

Applying the above-mentioned formula:

Percentage Value = (150 X 25) /100 = 37.5

Formula To Find Percentage Difference

To find the percentage difference, we must first find the difference in value. To find the percentage difference divide the difference by the base value and multiply it by 100.

(Value 1 – Value 2) / Base Value X 100

There are 3 ways to find the percentage difference:

Percentage Difference Taking the Average of Both Numbers As The Base Value

(Value 1 – Value 2) / [(Value 1 + Value 2)/2] X 100

Percentage Difference Taking Value 1 As Base Value

(Value 1 – Value 2) / Value 1 X 100

Percentage Difference Taking Value 2 as Base Value

(Value 1 – Value 2) / Value 2) X 100

Example of Percentage Difference

Value 1: 125

Value 2: 100

Difference: (Value 1 – Value 2) = 125-100 = 25

Average: (Value 1 + Value 2) / 2 = (125+100)/2 = 112.50

Applying the first formula:

Difference 1: 25 / 112.5 X 100 = 22.22%

Applying the second formula:

Percentage Difference 2: 25 / 125 X 100 = 20.00%

Applying the third formula:

Percentage Difference 2: 25 / 100 X 100 = 25.00%

There is a change in percentage difference due to a change in base value.

Formula To Find Percentage Change

In percentage change, you can calculate both the increase and decrease of two given values.

Use the following formula to calculate the percentage increase:

Base Value + [(Base Value X Percentage ) / 100]

Use the following formula to calculate the percentage decrease:

Base Value – [(Base Value X Percentage ) / 100]

Example of Percentage Change

Base Value: 1025

Percentage: 25%

% Increase = 1025 + [(1025 X 25)/100] = 1025 + 256.25 = 1284.25

% Decrease = 1025 – [(1025 X 25)/100] = 1025 – 256.25 = 768.75

Percentage Calculator Template

This template consists of 5 calculators: Percentage Calculator, Percentage Value Calculator, Percentage Change Calculator, Percentage Difference Calculator, and Actual Value Calculator.

Percentage Calculator

Insert the percent and the base value to find the percentage value. The formula used here is =D6*B6 where D6 is the base value and B6 is the percentage. As you can see in the image above, 5 percent of 325 is 16.25.

To find that a given number is what percent of a value, insert the number and the final value. The template uses the following formula here: =B7/D7, where B7 is the percentage value and D7 is the final value.  As you can see in the example above, 100 is 20% of 1000.

Percentage Calculator

Moreover, if you want to find that a given number is what percent of a number then insert the percentage value and the percentage to find the base value. The formula applied here is =B8*100%/D8, where B8 is the percentage value and D8 is the percentage. In the example given above, 20 is 20% of 100.

You will notice a difference in the formulas given above and formulas entered in excel. The main reason behind this is that excel consists of a preformulated percentage format for a cell. Thus, there is no need to multiply the result by 100 to find the percentage. Excel does this process on its own for the given number in the cell.

Percentage Value Calculator

In this section, you can find the percentage value of a number in two ways. One is using the percentage another is using the fractional value of the percentage.

Percentage Value Calculator

You can use the converter given beside the calculator to convert your percent to fraction or fraction to percent.

Insert the value and the percent you want to find the percentage value. The template will automatically display the result.

In the given example, the base value is 10000 and we want to find a 20% value of it. The result is 2000 using the formula =(C11*E11). It is the 1/5th value of 2000. This value is derived by using the fraction to percent converter.

Percent to Fraction and Fraction To Percent Converter

Similarly, in the next calculator, you can insert the fractional value of the percentage. The template automatically displays the result.

In the sample sum given here, the value is 25000 and we want to find the 2/5th value of it. The result is 10000 using =(C14*E14). Basically, the 2/5th value given is 40% of the 25000. This has been derived using the percent to fraction converter.

Percentage Change Calculator

The Percentage Change Calculator helps you to find the increase or decrease of a given percentage from the base value. Insert the base value and insert the percentage.

The calculator displays the percentage increase value using the =C18+(C18*E18) formula, where C18 is the base value and E18 is the percentage. The increased value is the base value in addition to the percentage value.

Percentage Change Calculator

The calculator displays the percentage decrease value using the =C18-(C18*E18) formula, where C18 is the base value and E18 is the percentage. The increased value is the base value in addition to the percentage value.

In the sample sum given above, 1025 is the base value and the percentage is 20%. Hence, the increased value is (1025 + 256.25) = 1281.25. Similarly, the decreased value is (1025 – 256.25) = 768.75.

Percentage Difference Calculator

The percentage difference calculator helps you to find the percentage of a given difference between two values. Insert both the value and the calculator finds the difference and average of both the numbers.

In addition to the above, it calculates the difference percentage using 3 different formulas. The first one calculates the difference taking an average of both numbers as the base amount.  The second one uses value 1 as the base amount and the last one uses value 2 as the base amount.

Percentage Difference Calculator

The percentage change using all three values is different depending on the base amount. In simple terms, the base amount decides the difference percentage.

As you can see in the above sample sums, the first result is 22.22% where the base amount is 112.5 which is the average of both the values.

In the second value, the result is 20% which is derived using 125 as the based value. lastly, in the third result, it is 25% which is derived using 100 as the base value.

Actual Value Calculator

The Actual Value Calculator is useful to find the base value when a given number includes a specific percentage.

Generally, this is useful in finding the product cost from the Maximum Retail Price(MRP) of a product that includes a percentage. These additional percentages can be either applicable taxes or profit margins of a company.

Actual Value Calculator

Insert the value of the product and the percentage to find what is the actual price of the product.

As you can see in the example, the MRP of the product is 2345 and it consists of 5% in the price. To final price is 105% of the actual value. Hence, we need to find the Actual price. Divide the price with the total percentage to find the actual value. Thus, 2345/105% = 2233.33.

Printable Percentage Practice Sheet

This template consists of a Printable Percentage Practice Sheet that you can give your child/student to practice percentage sums.

Percentage Value Calculator

Download the file and insert random numbers and percentages in each type of sum and print the sheet.

Uses of Percentage

Usually, the percentage is used in every field. To name some here are a few uses based on their industry:

  • To find the Commission of Sales for Sales professionals.
  • Knowing the percentage increase or decrease in sales of a product or total sales.
  • To know the collection percentage of outstanding invoices.
  • Define the Area-wise percentage sales.
  • Knowing the traffic source percentage.
  • To know the percentage of attendance and the grading system in school uses the percentage value to determine the grades.

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