Daily Water Intake Calculator

Ready-To-Use Daily Water Intake Calculator

Download the Daily Water Intake Calculator to calculate how much water you should drink based on weight, climatic conditions, and physical activity.

Insert the following details:

  • Weight
  • Age
  • Climatic Condition
  • Physical activity

That’s it and you will be getting your daily water intake quantity.

Staying properly hydrated is key to maintaining good health, yet determining the right amount of water to consume daily can be challenging.

Everyone’s body is different. Many factors, such as age, weight, activity level, and climate, affect hydration needs.

This template can be useful for individuals to define their daily water intake. Fitness professionals and doctors can also use it to guide their patients and clients in defining their water intake needs.

Download Daily Water Intake Calculator (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets & OpenOffice Calc)

We have created a ready-to-use Daily Water Intake Calculator to help you calculate how much water you should drink based on weight, climatic conditions, and physical activity.

Click on the link below to download your desired format.

Microsoft Excel  OpenOffice Calc  Google Sheet

Additionally, you can download the BMI Calculator (Kids, Teens, Adults) to find the Body Mass Index for kids, teens, and adults in a few clicks.

In case, you want to customize any of the above templates feel free to contact us. You can hire us for our services on Fiverr or contact us at info@msofficegeek.com.

How To Use Daily Water Intake Calculator?

Let’s understand step-by-step how to use this template.

This template consists of 2 sections: Data Input Section and Water Intake Calculations.

Data Input Section

Daily Water Intake Calculator

As the name says, this section includes criteria to define your water intake. It consists of the following heads.

Gender: Select your gender Male or Female.

Status: If you are male, make sure you select it as “Normal.” But if you are female, you can select from “Normal” if you are unmarried. Other options are for those women who are either “Pregnant” or “Lactating”.

According to the European Food Safety Authority report, there is a slight difference in water consumption for women who are pregnant or lactating.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommends that pregnant women increase their water intake by 300 milliliters (mL) per day, and lactating women increase by 700 mL per day.

Age: Insert your age.

Weight: Insert your weight in lbs and it will automatically change to KGs. It uses the following formula: (lbs X 0.453592).

Physical Activity: Choose the physical activity you are involved in.

For example:

  • Male or Female working in an office comes under low physical activity.
  • Women doing household work fall under Moderate physical activity.
  • Whereas, male or female working laborious jobs come under high physical activity.

Climatic Condition: Choose from the dropdown list. You can choose from “Very Hot”, “Hot”, “Temperate”, “Cold” and “Very Cold”.

Based on these selections the water intake changes. A very hot climate adds to your intake while very cold decreases the water intake and rest in between.

Exercise Activity: If you exercise then select “Yes” otherwise “No”.

American College of Sports Medicine recommends drinking 12 ounces of water for every 30 minutes of exercise. Which is approximately 354 ml for every 30 minutes of workout.

Minutes: If you select “yes” then insert the minutes you do exercise for. For every 30 minutes, an amount of water intake is added to the intake quantity.

Sweating Level: Everyone has a different perspiration level. So, select from “Normal”, “Low”, or “High” whichever applies to you.

High perspiration or sweating will add to your water intake while low will decrease your water intake and normal will make no change.

Now, let’s move to the next section.

Water Intake Calculations

Daily Water Intake Calculator

In this section, all the fields auto-calculate based on a given formula.

Let’s have a brief idea about it.

Base Water Intake: According to the National Library of Medicine, a healthy adult should consume around 35 milliliters for women and 50 milliliters for men of water per kilogram of body weight each day.

Based on the above, this field auto-calculates the base intake per adult.

Pregnant: This field displays the selection that you make in the data input section for the Status field. If you select normal, it will select normal then it will display normal and similar for other selections.

Based on the selection, it auto-calculates additional water intake for you.

Physical Activity: As discussed above, based on your physical activity, the field adds or subtracts the water intake.

Climatic Conditions: This field auto-calculates the amount intake based on your climatic conditions discussed in the data input section. Adds water intake for hotter climatic conditions and subtracts for cold climatic conditions.

Sweating: This field adds and subtracts water intake based on your perspiration/sweating levels. As you can see in the image, it shows 0.2 because the “Sweating Level” has been selected as “Low”.

Exercise: This column auto-calculates the water intake based on the exercise activity you do. If it is less than 30 minutes then it will add 0.5 litres. Whereas if it is between 30 minutes and 1 hour it will add 1 litre of water.

Total Water Intake Per Day: Adding all the above fields, this field displays the total water intake quantity you must take per day.

Current Water Intake Per Day: Insert your current amount of water intake in this field to know the difference.

Difference: Displays the difference between the required water intake and your current water intake.

Enjoy using this template and let us know if you want us to make any other template.

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