Marketing Budget Template

Ready-To-Use Marketing Budget Template

Yearly and Quarterly Marketing Budget Template with Budget Analysis to help you easily and efficiently prepare and execute your marketing strategy.

Just insert the yearly budget amount and the percentage to allocate to each quarter. And your budget for the year is ready.

Moreover, you can also compare and analyze your marketing budget on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. The Marketing Budget Dashboard displays yearly as well as quarterly figures along with their respective charts.

What Is Marketing Budget?

In terms of finances, a marketing budget is a marketing strategy. A marketing budget is an estimate of how much money will be spent to advertise a product or service.

Additionally, it is an important component of the marketing process. It covers all expenses involved in activities such as marketing staff, commission, giveaways, promotion,  advertising, etc. It also includes other forms of online marketing.

A Marketing Budget is a plan that estimates the expenditures for revenue growth and brand awareness.

Purpose of Marketing Budget

Generally, most businesses struggle to forecast promotional and marketing expenses. Companies keep higher marketing budgets at times when they launch new products or services.

It is a critical resource for any business. Failure in properly estimating, managing, and executing the costs can lead to various problems.

Therefore, the main purpose of the marketing budget is to efficiently manage and execute the marketing activities. The previous year’s budget analysis of costs can help in preparing a budget for the preceding year.

Moreover, the ROI against the spend can help to efficiently allocate funds to high revenue-generating expenses. It also helps to avoid non-productive usage of allocated funds.

Traditional Marketing Expenses

Traditional Marketing Expenses are those expenses that are generally applicable to traditional non-online businesses.

These expenses include salaries of sales staff, commissions, physical promotion campaigns, expenses, advertising, and Research expenses. Let us discuss each of these expenses in brief.

Sales Expenses

Sales expenses involve expenses related to sales staff. It includes their salaries, perks, incentives, commissions, travel, etc.

Promotion Expenses

In traditional marketing, the promotional activities include physical campaigns, launch events, giveaways, and sample distribution.

Under physical campaigns, the company defines spots and hires staff for customers to test the product. This also involves launch events where the product is initially distributed at a discount. Moreover, these promotion expenses also include giveaways and free sample distribution to customers.

Advertising Expenses

Advertising expenses are expenses to place ads on television, radios, or distribution of product brochures. Usually, advertising expenses under traditional marketing are used for brand awareness.

Research Expenses

Any business must understand and evaluate the market conditions for their products or services. This involves competitor analysis, trend research, customer research, and product research.

Often, businesses run surveys to gather information about their existing and expected products. This helps the company to understand the customer’s needs. It also helps to provide better products and services based on customer overview.

Online Marketing Expenses

With the change of time, online marketing has evolved and become the new dimension of marketing. Currently, if you are not found on the internet, then your business doesn’t exist.

Therefore, many digital forms of marketing have evolved and those expenses have been added to the marketing budget.

Moreover, these expenses are realted to the online presence of the company which involves website management, content creation, online advertising, etc. Let us discuss each of these expenses in brief.

Website Management Expenses

Website Management includes expenses related to the development of a website, maintenance, and SEO.

In today’s world, everyone thinking of buying anything tries to look for its reviews online. Moreover, the website provides a detailed overview of our business policies, mission, and vision to investors as well as customers. This helps in increasing brand awareness.

In simple terms, it is like opening a place of business online where customers can provide feedback on your products and services.

Eventually, this helps in increasing revenue and also the customer database. They can be used to reach out to the management to register their complaints and report product defects.

Content Creation Expenses

Content is the king. Updates and making new content for brand awareness or revenue is very important. It is a new way of attracting customers in the online space.

This involves blog posts describing your products, videos, images, and also customer reviews in digital forms.

Furthermore, better-marketed products online can lead to increased revenue as it is boundless of borders. Thus, online presence is the new norm for all types of businesses.

Online Advertising Expenses

This category involves online paid ad campaigns on Google, Facebook, Instagram, webinars, and online giveaways.

These activities help us to be ahead of our competitors in the online world. Paid ad campaigns have proven to be more effective. As the audience is properly scrutinized based on their interest, the ROI is higher.

Miscellaneous Expenses

All expenses apart from the ones mentioned above are included in the miscellaneous category.

Download Marketing Budget Template (Excel, OpenOffice Calc & Google Sheet)Marketing Budget Yearly Report

We have created a simple and easy Marketing Budget Template with predefined formulas and charts to efficiently manage your marketing budget.

Download by clicking below on the desired format:

Microsoft Excel OpenOffice Calc Google Sheet

Additionally, you can download Accounting templates like Accounts Payable Template, Depreciation Calculator, Bank Book, Cash Book Template, Petty Cash Book Template, Expense Report Template, and Payroll Template With Attendance.

Feel free to contact us for the customization of this template as per your requirement. We also design new templates based on your needs. You can hire us for our services on Fiverr or directly contact us at

This template consists of 7 sheets:

  • Marketing Budget Dashboard – 1 Sheet.
  • Marketing Budget Allocation Sheet – 1 Sheet.
  • Yearly and Quarterly Budget Report – 1 Sheet.
  • Quarterly Budget Utilization Sheets – 4 Sheets.

Let us understand in detail how to use this Marketing Budget Template in detail.

Marketing Budget Template Dashboard

Marketing Budget Dashboard

This sheet consists of 2 sections: Marketing and Marketing ROI Analysis.

The Marketing Budget Analysis section auto-populates based on the data in other sheets. Hence, you don’t need to insert any data in this section.

Moreover, this section displays comparative graphs of the marketing budget against the actual spending yearly as well as for all four quarters.

The ROI Analysis section displays the Return on Investment of the marketing budget spent yearly and quarterly. Insert the revenue generated in each quarter and it will automatically calculate the ROI for you.

It uses the following formula to calculate the ROI:

ROI = (Revenue Growth – Marketing Cost) / Marketing Cost

Budget Allocation Sheet

Marketing Budget Allocation

In Budget Allocation Sheet, insert the yearly budget amount against each head and insert the budget allocation percentage for each quarter.

The template automatically calculates the budget allocation for each quarter. That’s it, your budget is now ready to use.

Quarter-Wise Budget Utilization Sheet

Quarterly Marketing Budget

There is one sheet for each quarter. Each consists of months of each quarter. Insert the actual amount spent against each activity.

At the end of each quarter, it displays the difference between budget amounts and actual spend amounts. The template displays overspent amounts in red. Similarly, make entries in all four quarters.

Yearly and Quarterly Budget Report

Marketing Budget Yearly Report

Based on the entries made for actual spending in each quarter, the template automatically prepares yearly and quarterly budget reports. It displays budget amounts, actual spending amounts, and the difference between both.

This helps us to analyze the budgets frequently. Moreover, this report can be helpful in budget allocation for the preceding year. You can increase or decrease the budget amounts for each head based on their performance during the past year.

Budget Allocation Tips

To correctly distribute your marketing budget, follow the procedures below:

  • Establish marketing objectives and use them to drive your approach.
  • Support your decisions with data-driven marketing.
  • Make a budget and stick to it.
  • Measure ROI and marketing results with precision.
  • Keep track of your campaigns and make adjustments to your approach.

Frequently Asked Questions

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