Mohammed Fahim

Certified Spreadsheet Expert. I love creating ready-to-use templates in Utility programs like Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, Google Docs Editor Suite, and iWork Suite.

Employee Attendance Sheet

Download Employee Attendance Sheet Excel Template

Ready-to-use Employee Attendance Sheet in Excel, OpenOffice Calc & Google Sheet to manage the attendance of 50 employees. Record attendance of your employees in just 3 easy steps: Enter year and select the month, Mark attendance for each date from the dropdown list for each employee, and Save data to Yearly Attendance Record with a click of a button.

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Accounts Receivable Excel Template

Ready-to-use Accounts Receivable Excel Template

Accounts Receivable Template in Excel, OpenOffice Calc, and Google Sheets to record & manage client-wise account receivable ledger with aging. Just insert your invoices in Accounts Receivable Ledger and the template automatically saves the debtor’s receivable data in their respective file. It uses the Advanced Filter Function as well as predefined macros.

Ready-to-use Accounts Receivable Excel Template Read More »